Reading was the bedrock of my childhood. Reading opened doors, doors that led not only to spectacular new worlds but also, ultimately, to my love of writing.
Reading with ease is a gift, and one for which I’m grateful every day.
According to the International Dyslexia Association, around fifteen percent of people--about 49 million people in the U.S. alone--have some form of dyslexia, an obstacle to the joys and benefits of reading.
I am an author... what if I could do something? Could I help make reading joyful for somebody else?
After research aplenty and some guidance from Ms. Brigid Peterson, the brilliant Assistive Technology Coordinator with the local school district, Mythic Prairie Books is proud to announce that The Hidden King is now available in print with dyslexia-accessible modifications.
These include:
● Short line length
● Ragged right margins
● Low contrast text
● Distinct paragraphs
● Larger type size
These features assuage the largest issues that most text poses to dyslexic readers. I hope this is a step in the right direction, and I’m excited to be a part of somebody’s reading experience!
Happy Reading!
#thehiddenking #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #writersblock #yareads #youngadultfantasy #yabooks #ireadya #fantasyreads #fantasybooks
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